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I AM clayton Smith

I work on many different projects, music, web development, basic computer programming, and I have lots of other projects too.

If you are looking for some help with something, let me know.

When I can help, I take it as an honor so to do. 

Don't Give Up, Keep climbing.

 Writing good music, and doing any other job well, requires practice, patience, and perseverance. You don't get something good by doing nothing. It just does not work like that. It is for this reason that I think it is important to take the time to get it right the first time, to try again the second time, and to not give up when you do not get it the third time. 

You will not be good at everything, it isn't going to happen. Some things will take several tries, some will not. Keep climbing no matter what, and maybe don't look down.

 Giving all my all.

...For I press toward the mark...